Soulection | Europe Tour | Berlin | Spring 2016 - Sosupersam, IAMNOBODI, LAKIM and Insightful - Photos by Roberto Brundo
Soulection | Europe Tour | Berlin | Spring 2016
Sosupersam, IAMNOBODI, LAKIM and Insightful
Photos by Roberto Brundo
why do we love soulection so much and why is it the perfect example of a modern lifestyle brand?
what separates our generation's youth from our parents childhood is that today most young people have the freedom to choose their own path. our generation - more than any other generation before us - doesn't worry too much about a nice car or a big house but aspires to a different credo: follow your passion and do what you love at all times.
apart from several great traits, this spirit is so well-embodied by the los angeles based music label named Soulection. the co-founders Joe Kay and Andre Power are the two inspiring characters who breathe love and positivity and make sure to maintain this spirit within the label's family with its artists and like-minded friends.
we personally first experienced the Soulection vibe two years ago when Andre Power, Lakim, The Whooligan and IAMNOBODI came to munich for a then intimate but energetic show. the next day, we supplied the ground transport from Munich to Berlin where the line-up was welcomed by a heated fan crowd to literally tear down the place. that is where our friendship first grew and we have been endorsing several Soulection endevours in Germany ever since.
this time we met up with Sosupersam, Lakim, Insightful and the homie IAMNOBODI in Berlin during their europe tour a few weeks back. they killed the packed club as usual with carefully curated sets to fully satisfy a hungry, tireless berlin crowd while the party seemed to last forever in true berlin style. the following sunday was meant for relaxation at last years summer pool party location Haubentaucher where the homie Roberto Brundo took these beautiful, analog portrait photos of the artists.
sure, the music curation at Soulection label's live shows and radio mixes is beyond refined and always manages to put the listener into a peaceful state of mind to retreat and relax from the worlds daily sorrows but without Joe Kay's smooth and spiritual voice, without the labels constantly expressed positive mindset, without all the good character experienced through the label's genuine artists and without this ever-present warm feeling of a positive culture in which everyone supports each other and shows tolerance for one anothers individuality, we for sure would not feel so strongly attached to the Soulection brand.
it is about generational similarities. the label's spirit expresses a very contemporary mindset and explains why we identify with Soulection so much.
we truly appreciate the bond and aspire to pass on inspiration, most importantly to focus on good vibes only.
our generation is the first generation to have everything but does not want to own anything. materialism has overdosed. in a world where everything materialistic is attainable easier than ever, we search for spiritual wealth. we crave emotional meaningfulness.
do what you love - at all times.